Every time some screaming, demeaning, hilarious cooking show comes on I always wonder what life would be like if they let me on those shows. What would I do? I'd throw poop... Regardless of the blatant racism, I know what my signature dish would be. It would be this.
Holy tasty hell it's simple, effective, and charms the pants of whomever you cook it for. First off, here's some little nuggets of knowledge for you. Fried chicken has a really bad rep. On some levels, it's completely justified; that shit's fatty. BUT, there are ways you can do it and not clog your arteries. The worst part about fried chicken is the fact that you batter it and deep fry it. You basically cover a skin-ridden chicken thigh/breast/wing with some absorbent nonsense and submerge it in oil. Follow this recipe and I'll change your world.
Here's what you need if you're cooking for four:
- 4 skinless thin chicken breasts
- 5oz goat cheese
- 1/2 cup fresh basil
- 1 cup flour
- 1 t pepper
- 2 t salt
- 1 t garlic powder
- 1 dash chili powder
- 1 dash cinnamon
- vegetable oil (roughly 3 cups)
- 1/2 t marjoram
- 1/2 t oregano
- 1/2 t garlic powder
The first thing you want to do is put the oil in a cast iron pan and put it on medium heat. The oil should only be enough to cover the base of your pan twice. The most important thing about pan frying is getting your oil up to heat before you put anything in it (otherwise you're just dropping porous shit into cold oil....gross). While that heats up, chop the basil. Chop it. You don't need to go psycho and mince it into a paste. Combine that with the goat cheese and last three spices on that list up there (the blue ones). Set it aside. Bring your oil up a little higher than medium heat.
Next up, mix the flour, pepper, salt, chili powder, cinnamon, and 1t of garlic powder in a large bowl. Take your chicken breasts, run them under cold water, shake them off, and coat them in the flour mixture.
Here's a real quick side-note on the chicken. I get my chicken at Costco.
That means my meat is thick hell yeah and to get this to cook all the way
through it has to be thin-cut chicken. If you didn't buy thin-cut, you have
two options. One, you can cover it with wax paper, get something smooth
and pound it out. It's slow going though, and ain't nobody got time fo' that.
The second option is to cut your raw breast hot-dog style. It needs to be
like 1/2"-3/4" thick. For those of you who are bad with measurements, no
thicker than your thumb.
Now drop those bangers in the oil and stand back. It's only going to take about 3-4 minutes per side to cook them. You want to flip right as you start to see browning. They will continue to cook even when they're not touching the oil, so beware of burning. Once they're done on both sides, let them cool on a paper towel for a couple minutes, slap your goat cheese mix on top and om nom nom your way to glory.
Oh...you noticed those tasty lookin' beans on the side?
Take another cast iron pan, get two Tb of olive oil hot,
sear 'em up for 5 minutes with a squeezed lemon and
fresh ground pepper.
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